Selasa, Mac 30

It's a climb

Hang In There..its the climb!

Whatever it is you do in life,
Try to remember that nothing is too big to achieve
And nothing is too small to ignore,
Hang on in there, even if it's with the last thread,
It is well.

You may be on life's path
Not having an idea how and when you'll get there,
The most important thing is that you have a sense of direction,
All you have to do is to take each step one at a time,
And you'll get there.

The idea behind life is about meeting people,
The beauty of life is loving people,
The essence of life is about making impacts,
The joy of life is leaving footprints in the sands of time.

Have a wonderful relationship with God,
And know where he wants to place you in life to function,
For without him,
You are nothing.

On your journey through life,
Absorb everything you hear,
But choose what you want to believe.

just hang in there..
it is all about the climb
climbing towards success
in the world and hereafter..
accept obstacles as trials
release the burden with hope and effort
walk along the journey with faith in Him..
you will be strong
even if u dun like something
it might be good for u
its all about fate and faith

shared by ukhti Huda @ Facebook. (Jazakillahu khoyr.

muhasabah diri


Mulakan muhasabah diri dengan melihat sejauh mana kekuatan hawa nafsu mempengaruhi diri. Betapa hebatnya cengkaman hawa nafsu terhadap jiwa raga kita sehingga kedudukannya boleh jadi setaraf dengan Tuhan dalam pandangan manusia yang lalai. Bahkan Baginda pernah memberi nasihat kepada seorang sahabat supaya berwaspada dengan jerat nafsu.

Rasulullah SAW bersabda:

“Wahai Rabi’ah, mintalah kepadaku”. Aku berkata: “Wahai Rasulullah biar aku fikirkan sebentar. Lalu aku mengingat-ingat dunia serta kefanaannya sehingga aku berkata: “Aku tidak akan meminta kecuali akhirat. Kemudian aku mendatangi Baginda SAW dan berkata: “Aku meminta supaya aku boleh menemanimu di syurga. Rasulullah SAW bersabda: “Wahai Rabi’ah adakah yang selain dari itu? Aku menjawab: Itu saja. Maka Rasulullah SAW bersabda lagi: Berjanjilah untuk kamu mengendalikan hawa nafsumu dan banyakkan sujud (nescaya kamu akan menemaniku di syurga).” (Muslim)

Sabtu, Mac 27


If you really want to know how to be confident and gain confidence
you must learn to deal with rejection.
What is confidence?
The ability to keep going in the face of rejection and feel good anyway!

A.S.K Requirements

Core Competencies for Working in Diverse Communities


  • empathy
  • compassion
  • trust
  • integrity
  • openness
  • honesty
  • collective responsibility
  • respect
  • humility
  • confidence
  • non-judgement
  • commitment
  • passion
  • critical thinking
  • conflict resolution
  • collective problem-solving
  • ability to acknolwedge difference
  • self-monitoring (thinking before speaking)
  • ability to lead and be lead
  • perspective-taking
  • social issues
  • social location (self and others)
  • self-knowledge (own values)
  • sstems of power and privelege
  • cultural competence and proficiency
  • oppression frameworks, anti-oppression principles
taken in part from Teaching for diversity and social justice : a sourcebook, 1997, pp. 78-79. Great Britain : Routledge (1997).

which value have I accomplished?

Jumaat, Mac 26

Orang yang pandai

Orang yang pandai,

bukanlah mereka yang selalu bisa menjawab pertanyaan

bukan juga yang selalu mendapat nilai tertinggi
dalam tugas, test dan ujian

bukan mereka yang cepat menghafal
dan cepat mengerjakan segala soal yang diberikan

bukan pula yang cepat faham apabila diterangkan tentang sesuatu

Orang yang pandai
adalah yang bisa membantu orang lain
untuk bisa faham, hafal dan mendapat nilai baik seperti dirinya...

Orang yang paling pandai
adalah mereka yang tak segan dan tak lelah berbagi ilmu

yang sadar bahwa ilmu itu didapat bukan karena dirinya hebat
melainkan sekedar titipan Tuhan saja..

Jadilah kalian manusia yang selalu siap membantu orang lain
selalu murah hati dalam membagi apa yang kalian ketahui

sesungguhnya hanya dengan menyebarkannya
kalian bisa berterimakasih
atas kemurahan hati Tuhan,
meminjamkan ilmu pada kalian

Khamis, Mac 25

Antara koma ataupun NOKTAH.

musim luruh itu
dedaunan akan luruh
segala teka-teki akan terjawab
antara simbol koma ataupun noktah

Moga Allah permudahkan urusanku

musim bunga sudah tiba..apakah hati ku juga akan turut berbunga sama?

urusanku yang banyak tergendala
ku kira silap ku jua
agak lengah dalam melangkah
hanya Tuhan tempat ku menadah
segala pinta
ya Tuhan,
tukarkan kilat di langit
menjadi awan yang gebu
untuk kita bersama teduh di situ
melebarkan sayap di ladang ini

ya Tuhan
ku tahu aku yang lemah tanpa-Mu
ku tahu aku yang lesu tanpa-Mu
ku tahu aku yang longlai tanpa-Mu

kurniakan aku azimat sakti
yang mampu menukar baris itu

aku berjalan ke dalam gua
moga kita berjumpa cahaya di penghujungya
lantas tersenyum riang
sambil berteriak,


tiada suatu yang mustahil pun bagi Tuhan mahu mengerjakan

lantas ku kira
ayuh mulakan saja rentaknya
mengikut alunan merdu
mengikut rentak Tuhanku
jangan kau pasung langkahku
dalam mencipta definisi bahagiaku

Sungguh aku tidakkan mahu keliru lagi
antara nafsu dan kalam suci itu

Sungguh aku perlu petunjuk Tuhanku
Sungguh aku mahu  mengikut petunjuk Tuhanku

kita duduk bersimpuh
sambil berzanji dan berselawat ke atas nabi

Moga nabi junjungan kita
sudikiranya menghulurkan syafaat pada kita yang hina dina

Madison Ave


Rabu, Mac 24

Eh apa ni!

Eh apa ni?

Dengarkan bicara hatiku, tentang mengapa aku pilih untuk berniqab! (mahu juga diperdengarkan pada diri sendiri untuk ke sekian kali)

Bukan kerana teman-teman yang memakainya.
Bukan kerana hanya sekadar nafsu yang memahukannya.
Bukan kerna pandangan yang indah mengenainya.

Namun hakikat segalanya kerana aku mahu cuba mendapatkan hati yang lebih suci untuk dipersembahkan pada-Nya.

Saat aku mula yakin dengan-Nya.
Saat aku mula dekat pada-Nya
Saat aku mula mahu mencari-Nya.
Saat aku mula mahu mengejar cinta-Nya.
Saat aku mula giat berlumba-lumba dengan hamba-hamba-Nya untuk 'mencuri' pandangan-Nya.

Sungguh, hanya yang ku harapkan redha-Nya. 
Sungguh, hanya yang ku harapkan aku bertambah tunduk pada-Nya.

andai redha itu tidak ku dapati,
tiada berguna akan apa pun jua yang aku akan dapati.

Oleh itu inilah keputusanku.
Simboliknya niqab ini.
Akan terus mengingatkan aku!

bilamana mahu hati terdetik, 

Eh apa ni!
Pakai niqab, tapi masih mahu 'impress' orang lain.

Eh apa ni!
Pakai niqab, tapi tak diniqabkan hati itu pada Tuhan.

Eh apa ni?
Pakai niqab, tapi tak ikhlas memakainya.
Hati masih tak terjaga.

Eh apa ni?
Pakai niqab, tapi masih nak menunjuk-nunjuk dan membangga diri!

Apakah ERTI semuanya ini di sisi Ilahi?

Secebis kain inilah yang hanya kan bisa buat aku terfikir sejenak akan segala tindak tandukku kelak.
Secebis kain inilah yang akan mampu untuk aku cuba bermuhasabah kembali.

Mengapa aku melakukannya?
Untuk apa aku lakukannya?
Apa pentingnya/baiknya untuk aku lakukan?

Duhai para sahabatku sekalian,
Mohon doa kalian buatku,
moga daku tsabat dalam menghadapi apa jua cabaran dan rintangan yang mendatang.
moga daku dapat terus ikhlaskan hati dalam beramal.
moga daku dapat terus menerus berbuat kebaikan sebelum kematian datang menjemput.

Wallahu'alam. Wallahu musta'an.

Selasa, Mac 23

I'm not your dream gurl!

i'm not your dream gurl.
maybe will never be.

i'm not your dream gurl.
when I am too emotional.

I'm not your dream gurl,
when I can't think critically using rationality.

Please don't ever think that
I'm your dream gurl
even I'm wearing niqab
even you see I'm so pious
even when you see I dare in door
don't ever think I'm your angel
or be like angel
coz I'm not an angel
and will never be

as I will never be as in your dream
the images portray in your dream
all are just such a lie
all might be the fake of me
when you only truly get to know me
truly know the darkside in me.

I'm not your dream gurl !
and will never be
I that full of sins
and used to be a sinner

I'm not gonna be your dream gurl
and never want to be

I'm just a slave of the forgiver
who always do sin
and wanna keep on repenting
but still doin the sins
and will never stop making sins
even I wish to sink all sins
if and only if He has more mercy on me
I am fully blessed and fortunate to be.

Your dreams are fool
damn fool
Dont be a fool!
coz I know
I'm not your dream gurl
and will never be.


Madison Ave, Toronto

Isnin, Mac 22


Action is the best cure for fear.
Kill fear by taking action and build on that confidence.

Ahad, Mac 21

I Want Gentle Companion By My Side

I want,
A gentle companion by my side
A gentle heart that iman close inside
One that gentle to take me away by pride

Take me away from the evil and darkness
Take me away from the spoilers
Take me away from the hell

Take me near to Paradise

Take my hands close to the heart
Take my hands close by your side
Take my hands close in protection

I want,
a companion of life
to share the truth that are bright
bitter sweet together we never apart

as for us,
to seek Paradise as the final destination
to seek Allah's bless as ultimate goal
as that is the journey of our life.

terkedu sebentar *_*

tiba2 hati aku entah kenapa dihinggap satu ketakutan. takut. takut. rasa sangat takut.

sambil layan lagu graduation vitamin c.

b4 dat layan lagu guys sebastian. sedap2 je pi layan. ntah nape tetiba teringat kat dia. layan r jiwa jap. klo tak mcm meronta2. tapi bila dgr takde r rasa apa sgt pun. lagi sedap lg dgr zikir2.

sambung cite.

ada hamba Allah YM tetiba kol 5 pagi lebey.

SA: did u read kak zahidah's blog?
Nur Ain: nope .nape? ade org meninggal ke?
SA: kenapa cakap macam tu?
Nur Ain: ingat mati sket.salah ke? biar sedar diri sket.dari tade langsung.
SA: ow.ana mmg igt sokmo. tiap mase rase cam nak mati
Nur Ain: so nape?
SA: tapi ni cite dia kena rompak
Nur Ain: huh? bak sini link
Nur Ain: btw, kalkulator tu dah habis beruzlah ke?
Saidina Ali: ntah
Nur Ain: teruk .jap. dia kat ne
SA: kak zahidah? rumah @ pahang. read lah her blog
Nur Ain: lorh. msia!.masha Allah. takutnyerr. siyes
Nur Ain: ntah nape rasa takut. da r td sebut mati
Nur Ain: ye r.. baru bc perenggan pertama...
Nur Ain: bersenjata!
SA: takut mati nampak
Nur Ain: takut r
Nur Ain: sape berani mati?
SA: ana


nape ye. 
nape rasa takut lagi dengan pencuri bersenjata
lebih lagi rasa takut mati
bukanlah lebih lagi
tapi ntah
baru baca perenggan pertama, 
dan perkataan yang tercapture,
 'perompak bersenjata'

dalam bayangan, dalam fikiran

ya Allah. 
tak terbayang. 
kalau la sekarang ni,
 dalam rumah orang pegang senapang, 
parang, pisau, letak kat tengkuk, atau hulu sua kat muka..

terus rasa cuak, seriau, seram tu datang.

dah r tgh dgr lagu lagho..
terus ..
kalo ko mati skang camne?

tak tobat lag nihh.

terus da tak keruan. 
tukar terus lagu nasyid. bagi ingat Allah sket. 
tak banyak, sket pun jadi ar.

selamba je sebut mati. konon ingat mati. bagus tu bagus. tapi kalau tak betul menghayati, pun tak bawak erti. tapi, betul r, kisah akak kene rompak trigger aku utk ingat, dalam hidup ni , bnyk benda boleh jadi something yang tak pernah kita terjangka.

sebut tak terjangka. yup. tak terjangka. boleh jadi, dalam masa satu saat atau satu minit, hidup kita berubah sekelip mata. semuanya bukan dalam kuasa kita. sesaat, seminit, Allah berkuasa buat kita buta, atau mungkin eksiden, pastu lumpuh separuh/ seluruh badan. NAUZUBILLAHI MIN ZALIK. atau pun, buat kita tercekik apa2 masa enjoy2 makan, terus tak boleh nak bersuara dah.

time tu baru kita sedar, betapa yang kita da selama ni NIKMAT yang kita tak pernah nak bersyukur. berterima kasih kat Allah. selalu je buat Allah MARAH denga kita.

sebut terima kasih, teringat aku ada baca satu buku yang sebut pasal tauhid semalam.yang aku tertarik n melekat kat fikiran, ayat dia lebey kurg mcm ni. (ayt yg betul dia dlm english)

mana Allah tak marah,
dia yang cipta manusia, 
tapi manusia pegi sembah Tuhan yang lain, 
bukan Dia.

Mana Allah tak marah, 
dia yang bagi macam-macam, 
pemberi rezeki, 
tapi manusia langsung tak hargai, 
tak berterima kasih. 
langsung tak nak berSYUKUR!


ini baru kisah akak tu kena rompak. siapa akak tu? akak tu aku kenal masa kem tahfiz tahun 2005. which is dalam 4-5 tahun yang lepas. nak katanya, budak tahfiz, somehow, 'orang baik2' la, sapa kata takleh jadi kat dia benda buruk2.

dia tu sama je dgn mana2 manusia. takde beza. Allah tetap akan uji. even nabi pun Allah uji. ha amek. nak merungut ape lagi. kalau nabi yang maksum, Allah pelihara dari buat dosa, pun Allah nak uji lagi macam2. inikan kita yang bleh jek nak buat macam2 dosa. hmm..

so memang betul ar hidup ni tempat ujian. setiap masa tu satu ujian. keputusan ujian tu kita tak pernah tau. tiba masa nak amik result(tgh bygkn mcm ala2 amik result spm) time tu baru kita tau kita fail ke lulus. kalau kantoi memang tak bleh nak repeat dah.

kalo fail exam univ, bleh r nak repeat. repeat 3-4 kali pun bleh je lagi.  tapi kalau fail ujian dunia, da xde nak repeat2.


Jumaat, Mac 19

Rabu, Mac 17

hari demi hari

Dunia semakin membelakangi, akhirat semakin mendatangi. Jadilah kamu putera akhirat, berbanding putera dunia. Hari ini(di dunia), hari amal tanpa balasan, hari esok(di akhirat), hari balasan tanpa amal.

Sabtu, Mac 13

Pertahankan imanmu, sayang

kemanakah perginya bisa itu?

kamu seorang yang kuat, sayang.
jangan biar noda itu buat kamu hilang arah, hilang pedoman, hilang iman

kamu masih ada Dia untuk kembali
mungkin silap kita
mungkin dosa kita
mungkin sememangnya Dia mahu menguji kita
kerana kita mengaku kita beriman pada-Nya
pasti perlu ada buktinya

jangan biar yang kelam itu menenggelamkanmu, sayang

walau hari ada yang gelap
walau ada hari yang mendung
namun jangan biar ia selamanya luput sinarnya

kembalilah mencari cahaya
jangan biar imanmu goyah
walau dinoda serigala
walau apa jua yang melanda
pertahanankan imanmu
biar ia tetap kukuh

selagi Kau mengerti dan memahami
setiap yang berlaku hikmah dari-Nya
untuk buat kita lebih dekat pada-Nya

si kunang kunang

Selasa, Mac 9

Gosh! I fall in love!

at one point, i think that, u dont really need to act superficial, and act like u r so super cool.

there was at one time i have my up and down time.

and as far as i realized, when the time i start feel down, even i dont really feel it very critical(but i say it much like very chronic ~gimik je lebey), I learnt something.

when the time it gets hard, just say it as it is. be true. u dont need to lie. be true that u are under pressure. be true that you feel hurt. be true that u feel this life so hard.

at the moment i just express what lies in my true heart, there are so much other heart that offer helps and u know what happen then? i feel the sense of belonging. feel that there are so many other people in this world that do really care about me. no matter whether he or she. that keep on telling me, to be strong, keep on telling me to push myself also one that telling me dont push too hard, all of them just because they care about me.

I found my life so much wonderful even I am stress, under pressure, feeling bad, and feeling down, but just as the time pass by and I'm passing the hard time, and when I reflect what I've done and what get into my wonderful life, it keep me smiling.

when I look back to those people, how sensitive they are to me. it means that I'm really exist in this world! isn't that cool? to feel that you really exist in this world. someone sense your existence. and you are not with them, they gonna miss u a lot! how the way they miss u? hehe. surely by showing their care.

feel being loved, being cared. masha Allah. how wonderful the feeling is. Thats what I'm enjoying right now. I start to feel so grateful with things that I have. Love to quote from su, my dear friend, please smile. you have so much reasons for you to smile to this world. good family, good friends. =)


I may not even be as myself today without people surround me. I know Allah is the source of strength of everything, but one that makes me feel this life so wonderful is also having people surround me which also come from Allah.

well, at the end, come back to Allah right? for everything and anything it is. How so lovely to have these people in my life, therefore, how so I should feel so lovely to have ALLAH as my Lord, my love.

so sweet. I start to love Him more and more after He give me more and more. and indeed love is not expecting to gain something but to give in. and I want to apply this to my lover, too. I want to give more and more to Him more than others.

my obedience, my love, my sincerity, my effort, ALL FOR HIM.

as He always being too good for me.
How could I leave Him again and anymore?

How dare am I?

oh..i start to feel like I'm in love, dude.

the real and pure love.

masha Allah, subhanallah.

just at the moment I realize this, I feel He so so amazing. no wonder I should appreciate Him 5 times a day. In fact should be more than that!

He had give me so much things and He always keep giving me more and more. until at one point where I start to feel ashamed of myself as His love are unbeatable.

Oh Gosh. I LOVE HIM so Muchh!!

I want to love you, ALLAH
more than others

Love you with all my heart
love you sincerely
love you unconditional
love you purely

I wonder how you can love me until you dont not even care anymore to all my sins unless the sin of 'backstab'(syirik).

I have no idea how I have betray your love so much until at this point where I realize your love to me.

I am so blind
so blind until I dont even feel your love that are so true and pure
I am so blind
until I start to find the love that always make me frust
I am so blind
until I ignore all the love sign from You.

ya Allah
if this life I can't realized your love,
if in this life, I can't feel your love

how wasteful my life will be.

I wanna be in love with you forever and eva.
Be your lover and always be
Be your servant as a true servant

~Slave of love~

found this lovely song.
~menjadi diriku~
by edcoustic.

Tak seperti bintang di langit
Tak seperti indah pelangi
Karena diriku bukanlah mereka
Ku apa adanya

Dan wajahku memang begini
Sikapku jelas tak sempurna
Ku akui ku bukanlah mereka
Ku apa adanya

Menjadi diriku
Dengan segala kekurangan
Menjadi diriku
Atas kelebihanku.......

Terimalah aku
Seperti apa adanya
Aku hanya insan biasa
Ku pun tak sempurna

Tetap ku bangga
Atas apa yang ku punya
Setiap waktu ku nikmati
Anugerah hidup yang ku miliki

I am enjoying being myself right now.
Enjoying His LOVE

Ahad, Mac 7

I wonder ...

in life there are things just not going the way you think they will

there are always things that you can do and things that you are unable to do

things that you have so much passion and STRENGTH
and things that you need to find yourself, push yourself and build up the strength

i wonder
for some time
why should we 'waste' much time pushing ourself
to get the strength
instead of we actually already have those strength in ourself
in our real PASSION

indeed, this life would not end up just like we think
indeed, in this life there are so much other things that we may never discover
perhaps we had just close the chances get to know the chances
chances are, we never lose any chances as long we stil ALIVE.
alive in a way that our heart and spirit are alive.

no matter how hectic and eccentric this life is,
indeed the life itself is a gift.
a gift from God, to be appreciated.

if you 'fail' for now, thats not the end of the world
as to be real, there's no such a failure.
you are learning.
Everyday you are learning.
(thanks to Julia for saying this words to me)
learning throughout the journey.
and your journey of life just begin
at the moment you start to feel the 'failure'
as failure means you are doing something.
Something that maybe not enough for you to excel.

Indeed, in this life, nothing to be worried. no matter how sucks your life might be.
(i.e dropout, fail exams/course),.

you are the loser, if you don't have iman with you
- Sh. Muhammad Al-Shareef

Indeed, Allah has make this life for us to show EFFORT.
Thats all what is needed.
Not how much effort that be counted, indeed as long as it is AN EFFORT.
Only to Allah we may rely on.
No matter how bad or how good we make the effort,
Allah already has prepared much things for us.

In the end, why should we worry much about this world?
Keep on thinking what has come to me lately,
reflecting and pondering, accessing the 'fear' ,
I made up myself to be fearless other than Allah.
Trying to make my fear only for Allah not the other things.

Life has nothing much to worry about.
As being told by our Prophet PBUH,
whether it is good or bad that come to us, there are always something good in it.

@everjihad: Maybe this Hadeeth can help:
Suhaib reported that Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) said: Strange are the ways of a believer for there is good in every affair of his and this is not the case with anyone else except in the case of a believer for if he has an occasion to feel delight, he thanks (God), thus there is a good for him in it, and if he gets into trouble and shows resignation (and endures it patiently), there is a good for him in it.

(Sahih Muslim, Bk 42, Number 7138)

(thanks a lot for the person that keep on telling me the same hadith over and over again.
The same person, the same hadith.Jazakallahukhoyr.)

Indeed this hadith really means to me.
Keeps on reminding me to keep on having a firm belief.
Significant enough to say,
indeed the only thing we need to do after we realized the mistake we did,
stop doing the same mistakes,
leave the sins
and try get better.

and indeed it's really mean to me
when my cousin once said to me,
as a true muslim,
in real we only have 2 choices.
Either you choose GOOD or BETTER.
bad will never accounted as one of the options.

Indeed, I agree with her.
I want to keep telling myself, I am a believer.
I have Him by my side no matter what happen in this world.
I know who I am. And He know who am I.
Deep inside me that will never ever able being judged by HUMAN.
Indeed only Him.
Therefore, again, I only should fear His judgement on me more than others.

May Allah make me firm and make me strong
for this upcoming days which each day really a turning point of my life.
Each day that will determine the next chapter of my life.
Each day that may bring me to other stages of life.

Only to Allah I leave the matter.
Indeed I am human that have so much weakness, imperfect, and has the limit.
With Him, I have nothing to worry.

Keep moving on.
you have such a beautiful life.
Leave the past behind.

You can't change what you have done in your past.
But as for now, you can only keep on trying.

Imagine if you could never feel PAIN

something interesting to share what I learnt in Psychology
Imagine that because of some accident you could never feel pain anymore. This would have clear advantages - after sporting activities you would never have sore, aching muscles, you would never suffer a head-ache again. However, there would be drawbacks - you would not notice that you had just burned your hand on the stove, or that you were stepping on glass with your bare feet. As a result, you might do more bodily damage by not withdrawing your hand from the stove, or by continuing to tread on the sharp glass. Pain warns your body that something is wrong, or that some type of damage is occurring. Without pain, your body will not respond as effectively when something detrimental is happening. Despite its warning function, pain can be aggravating. Therefore, our brain has a sort of central control system that determines whether a pain is useful in the given situation and should be felt, or whether the pain is not necessary and thus should not be felt. Many sports players, for example, do not feel pain from their injuries in the passion of the game, because they cannot use the pain at that moment. Not until the game is over do they feel the pain. Then the function of the pain surfaces (that is, learning to avoid the behavior that caused the pain in the first place).

Sabtu, Mac 6

your move!

Life is a game, play it.
Life is a challenge, meet it.
Life is an opportunity, capture it.

Jumaat, Mac 5

antara aku dan dia

kudus dan luhur
suci rabbani
mampukah aku bernafas dalam jiwa itu?
menghirup kasih yang abadi
dalam nafas jiwa hamba
dalam nafas jiwa kekasih yang sejati
dalam nafas cinta hakiki

redup, sayup, jauh membayang
antara dia dan aku
bezanya bukan pada waktu
antara dia dan aku
bezanya antara rindu
antara dia dan aku
bezanya pada transisi cinta yang kudus

saatnya aku tidak semulia dia
saatnya aku masih mencari Dia
saatnya aku belum mengenali Dia
ku perlu pemangkin menggapai cinta-Nya
ku perlukan sayap untuk terbang kepadaNya

juga hanya Dia
hanya kerana Dia..

Madison Avenue

Home sweet home

NOtes that I jotted down. Sharing for benefit to anyone.

Yesterday, I went to a lecture about L + M by Shaykh Muhammad Al Shareef

Few things to ponder and here some brief insights that I able to jotted down.

How many people are you worth?

Certain people may worth to 10 people while some others might worth 1-1.

  • Therefore choose person that worth 10 person.
  • Man speaks with less word.
  • make a wish and desire.
Be the role model!
Who are the role models for the boy that keep doing violence?

if the unmatured boy become man it may become unmatured husband and therefore society may messed up.

When the Prophet PBUH said, do not imitate other gender, it means what to be your own gender?

What does it mean to be a man?

Man supposedly having the manner for him to be a MAN.

  • Leader from the back - leader from the front. Both are important.
  • Be a man if you are not man enough.
If a man not able to attract a woman, he will degrade himself to gain attention like fall to pornography and get the excitement.

Be a leader to goodness.

A myth about marriage.

"happily ever after"

Not true. Indeed, happiness need effort. You have to work for happiness . Build it up.

Looking somebody with strength and good character.
To work on bride of your dream, be like your dream.

Determine without asking.
If you marry someone that do not have the same value as you, your freedom of life will lost.

Somehow, life partner is someone that very similar to you.
Half angel - half angel.
Half demon - half demon.

Be like an angel and you will found an angel.

qualities of man.
  1. strong
  2. trustworthy
  3. know the information - knowledge
"coolness of the eye"

In doa : Make us imam for the muttaqin - the believer.


- Do you best in your place i.e be the top of the class
- You know what you capable of therefore push yourself to the front

You may able to be a great potential spouse.

- Keep habit on blogging.
- Raise your status
- Express your value
- Give speech and learn the art of delivering
- See someone respectful

A rijal that mentioned in quran
  • one that always pray at masjid.
  • not distracted from remember Allah
  • do things for the sake of Allah
It's NOW to get more serious in life.
Put your foundation first.
The energy will speaks for itself.


some insight during the Orphan Sponsorship Programme

- Keep doing iniative to make differences on other people's lives.
- Make a difrences on going basis.
- Continue mission starts from one

Ideas coming by in and out. ACKNOWELDGE IT.

Would you let the opportunity pass by?
No. I want to make a difference!

2 types of WHY

Abrahamic questions - is sincere and increase faith. He feels need to be address so that he may be more firm.
Satanic questions - reduce faith and arrogant

The best possible deeds are taking care orphans.
Fulfil the needs of other people will free you from hell fire.

The greates virtue - consistent.
If Allah open door to you, be consistent so that it will be fruited.

remember Allah in all state.
The most beloved action is consistency because it shows one do it with sincere heart and do it only for Allah.

Characteristics that free you from hell fire - helpin gother people distress and seek His pleasure.

What is in orphan?
- An opportunity to seek blessing from Allah

No person wealth will diminish to charity.
Charity is a clear proof that you believe in Hereafter as it is unimaginable rewards and this will lift up your iman.

See someone doing good, you should make a du'a for them as they has take the social responsibility. The have do the fardhu kifayah which save the society and you from doing it.

Therefore, make a du'a for them! May Allah bless him in Dunia and Akhirat.

Rabu, Mac 3

Never Give Up in Life - A Truly Inspirational Video

you might get down
what are yo doing if you full down?
get back up!
sometimes in life when you full down
and you feel you don't have strength
do you think you have hope?
because telling you, I'm down here,
face down, I have no arms and no legs
It should be impossible for me to back up but it's not!
I will try 100 times to get back up
but if I fail, and I give up
do you think I'm gonna get up?No!
But if I fail, I try again, and again and again!
It is not the end. It is the matter how you gonna finish
are you gonna finish strong?
and you will find stregth to get back up.

dont worry,
be happy!^_^

Biarkan airmatamu mengalir, sayang ..

doa itu senjata mukmin
air mata itu bukti yang nyata
sememangnya kita manusia

jangan gusar, sayang ..
walau hidup tak seindah yang dirasa
hakikatnya inilah dunia
dalam derita ada bahagia
dalam tawar ada rianya
andai jiwa tidak mempersoal
akan takdir yang Maha Esa
walau pahit di dada
ketahuilah semua itu ada harganya
yakinlah mungkin itu yang terbaik
untuk kau lebih mengenali 'dunia'

setiap antara kita
punya tafsiran yang berbeza
saat yang kau lalui
tiada yang mampu menggantinya
namun dirimu insan terpilih
untuk menerima jalan yang dicipta
hadirkan hatimu pada Sang Pencipta
pasti dapat kau rasai hikmah terbesar dari-Nya
hakikatnya kehidupan kita
hanya berpaksi Dia
walau dimana kita berada
bukan tempat itu yang utama
hakikatnya segala datang dari Dia

percayalah sayang..
walau ada yang berada di rantau yang berbeza
belum tentu petunjuk dari Tuhan sampai kepadanya
bersyukurlah pada Dia
yang menunjuk kita jalan yang seharusnya
jua jalan yang sebenar-benarnya
jua hakikat kehidupan yang lebih nyata
itulah petunjuk pada jalan dari Dia
untuk kita kembali kepada Dia
untuk kita mengenali Dia
untuk kita mengaku kebesaran dan keagungan-Nya

biarkan air mata itu mengalir, sayang ..
hanya itu bukti kita
untuk dipersembahkan pada-Nya

Madison Ave