Selasa, Disember 6


hamasah ini yang Engkau kurniakan, kekalkanlah.

sometimes, I don't know how it feel to be all-out. Until today and yesterday, I realized that myself did nothing and I'm so focus, masha Allah I did not distracted even a minute, I not even look at time and did not realized how many hours had gone.  I'm totally in and doing it all-out. I realized that I'm all out just after I done and satisfied with what I begin and end it.

burning desire

Put a hardwork. Put the effort. Where you not put it off aside.
I don't know why. But I did it. The feeling is awesome. The feeling of "all-out".

I'm kind of person that easily easily distracted. My mind is busy with thoughts, random ideas, and my heart sometimes full with emotions. If it is exploded, someone surely will be affected.

Anyways, the feeling of all-out only Allah knows. Alhamdulillah.

I realized how focus am I, I think of nothing other than I want to put my best effort to make it happen!

Because it is so hard to get them,
because it is so hard to make them together
because it is so hard to let them listen
because it is so hard to have them stay 'open to receive'

I knew deep in my heart, this is my big dream. I remember how long did I wrote about my imagination and this dream to him. Only Allah knows. And this is the time to perform. Doing the best, and anything I could.

The feeling of  'memang dah takde masa lain dah'. And put it as part of my priorities, it is really amazing to see how my mind and body works together without knowing how to rest

betapa aku benar-benar mahu mereka merasai sentuhan tarbiyyah iti
betapa aku benar-benar mahu mereka turut sama menyedari hakikat dan realiti hidup ini
betapa aku benar-benar mahu mereka memahami amanah yang diberi Ilahi

ya Tuhan 
bukakan pintu hati mereka 
untuk menerima hidayah-Mu. 
bukakan jalan untuk mereka 

- sama ada  aku berkerja keras dan berusaha sepenuh tenaga menarik mereka bersama-sama denganku berlari ke syurga atau binaan jahiliyyah mereka akan mengheret aku ke neraka..

kurniakan aku cinta-Mu yang agung 
dan juga insan yang cinta kepada-Mu

ya Allah,
kumohon keikhlasan hati,
lillahi robbi

ku mohon mereka jua sama-sama turut mengikhlaskan hati,
kerana tiada erti segala amal ini tanpa ikhlas di hati.

Rabbku hanya menerima amalan mukhlisin!

2 ulasan:

yTze berkata...

I'm so happy for you Ain!
Thank You God!

I don't even remember the last time I got in 'all-out' mode

Here's to more! :)

everjihad berkata...


hey long time no see!
I wish I could repeat it more and more time!!

I realized that, the key of FOCUS and ALL-OUT is when you have a sense of purpose and BURNING DESIRE.

p/s: I miss to see you! I miss to have our pillow talk.. Oh..those innocent days... :P

I should catch you someday!