Ahad, April 26

Pemilik Cintaku Setelah Allah dan Rasul

Mengulas tentang buku Pemilik Cintaku Setelah Allah dan Rasul

Penulis: Fatimah Syarha Mohd Noordin
Penerbit: Telaga Biru Sdn. Bhd
Cetakan: 1, Mac 2009
Tebal: 91 halaman
Nilai: RM12.00 SM / RM14.00 Sabah & Sarawak

Bingkisan Qani'ah buat suaminya

Aku mencari-cari idea, cara untuk memberi ganjaran kepada diri aku kerana berjaya melakukan sesuatu yang ingin dicapai. Aku bertanya naqibah(mentor), apa yang boleh aku buat untuk ganjarkan diri aku kerana berjaya mencapai 'target' dalam mutaba'ah amal*. Perkara itu perkara yang tidak mudah untuk berlaku, bagi keadaan aku pada masa ini, tapi berjaya dilakukan atas izin Allah. Aku rasa gembira kerana berjaya dan merasakan perlunya 'reward' supaya sebagai motivasi diri. Dia mensarankan, buat sesuatu yang kita minat buat dan ia dapat tambahkan lagi keimanan . Misalnya, dengan membaca buku yang kita minati.Aku tidak dapat membayangkan untuk membaca sebuah buku pada tika dan saat ini kerana kesibukan yang mencengkam diri. Namun perancangan Allah itu begitu cantik. Ditakdirkan, aku dipertemukan dengan sebuah buku yang judulnya begitu menarik perhatian aku.

Bukunya tak tebal, tak nipis sangat. Sedang-sedang saja. Lagi pulak penulisnya telah menulis satu karya yang cukup indah dan sarat dengan unsur tarbiyah sebelum ini. Membuatkan aku teringin membaca. Kesibukan memang mencengkam diri dan aku berkira-kira adakah perlu sekarang atau lain kali. Namun kerana merasakan diri ini 'layak' mendapat ganjaran kerana 'accomplished target', aku meluangkan waktu untuk membacanya juga dan menurut kata hati. Aku kira 'pelaburan' aku itu tidak sia-sia. Malah mengobarkan semangat untuk melangkah berjuang menegakkan syariat Allah dalam diri. Masa yang diambil untuk menghabiskan bacaan hanyalah satu jam lebih sahaja. Oleh itu, aku sarankan kepada anda sekalian, tidak rugi memperuntukkan masa untuk membaca kerana manfaatnya terlalu besar.

Karyanya jauh berbeza dengan novelis-novelis islamik yang lain seperti Abu Hassan Morad dan Habiburrahman el-Shirazy (Kang Abik). Penulisannya sangat indah, menyentuh hati, membangkitkan semangat, dan memberi pedoman kepada penulis. Tunjang kekuatan karya-karyanya bukanlah cinta insani semata-mata, tetapi ia mengajar kita hidup dalam suasana Tarbiyyah; mencipta dan mengekalkan ummah yang terdidik dengan ajaran Islami sepenuhnya.*

Buku ni, memang 'highly recommended' bagi mereka yang nak bahagia bila berumah tangga nanti, bagi mereka yang pernah dilamar, atau mungkin bakal dilamar, bagi mereka yang pernah bercouple, sedang bercouple dan mereka-mereka yang 'frust' bercinta jugak bagi mereka yang belum pernah bercinta dan sedang mencari-cari cinta seolah lelaki sebagai teman menuju redha Ilahi. Di dalamya, terdapat beberapa tips yang kukira sungguh signifikan sekali dalam meniti arus modenisasi kini..

Antara tips yang dapat dikongsi, TIPS MENANGAI CINTA REMAJA

1. Tegas dengan prinsip diri yang berpandukan agama
2. Meletakan MISI HIDUP yang JELAS
3. Bersahabat dengan rakan-rakan sejantina yang soleh
~ (ikhwah berkawan dengan ikhwah, akhowah berkawan degan akhowat) ~
4. Mengekang hawa nafsu.
~ boleh diusahakan dengan banyakkan berpuasa ~
5. Menyibukkan diri dengan hobi dan minat yang berfaedah.
~sibukkan diri dengan aktiviti dakwah. ~
6. Akrab dengan Allah dalam ibadah dan kehidupan
~sentiasa cuba dekatkan diri dengan Allah dalam segenap waktu. Banyakkan amalan sunnat seperti zikir, baca Al-Quran, solat sunnat, bangun tahajud dan sebagainya

Antara lagi yang menarik,

Bahaya cinta sebelum kawin

  • Pasti kelak diriku ibarat lembu yang ditarik hidung oleh nafsu.
  • Menyibukkan hati merindui makhluk yang belum halal bagiku seumpama membuka pintu bagi syaitan mencucuk jarumnya untul melupakan atau menjauhkan aku daripada-Nya. ~ semakin jauh dengan cahaya petunjuk ...
  • Hati akan terseksa dengan barah rindu
  • Rindu palsu akan membelenggu minda hingga ia terjajah dan terhina di bawah jajahan syaitan
  • Cinta lalai akan menyebabkanku alpa daripada mempersiapkan diri untuk keperluan dunia dan akhirat
  • Aku boleh menjadi tak rasional berfikir jika benar-benar mabuk cinta
  • Fitnah cinta ibarat racun yang akan membunuh akal, jiwa dan perasaan
  • Jiwa terganggu dalam menilai mana yang baik mana yang buruk untuk diriku
  • Jika aku dan dia berjaya melangkah ke alam rumah tangga nescaya ia terbina atas dasar maksiat yang mengundang parah kepada paribadi zuriat kami pastinya.
Nak lagi?
Cepat pergi beli di kedai buku berdekatan.

Kisah dalam buku ini, aku yakin dan percaya bukan idealistik semata, namun ia boleh menjadi realiti andai kita memilih untuk merealisasikannya - iaitu menghidupkan As-sunnah.

Banyak iktibar dan mutiara pengajaran yang dapat diambil sebagai pedoman dalam meniti arus kehidupan ini lebih-lebih lagi sebagi seorang remaja kerana ujian di usia remaja ini sememangnya mencabar iman dan taqwa. Gemilangnya sesuatu ummah itu ialah apabila para pemudanya yang termasuk remaja mempunyai susuk peribadi yang mantap dan mapan. Nafsu dapat dikawal dengan iman dan taqwa maka kebinasaan dapat dihindari.

Selaku seorang muslimah, yang juga sedang meniti alam remaja, tidak dinafikan ujian 'cinta' sememangnya ujian yang sinonim pada kebanyakan remaja. Berapa ramai yang mampu mempertahankan sebuah prinsip demi Allah dan Rasul? Sama-sama kita renung kembali jauh ke dalam diri. Moga ada perubahan yang dapat kita lakukan dalam hidup setelah membaca buku ini.

*Mutaba'ah amal ialah satu tingkatan amal yang berjadual. Misalnya, kita letak sasaran untuk solat berjemaah sekurang-kurangnya 3 daripada 5 waktu dan solat awal waktu sekurang-kurangnya 4 daripada 5 waktu. 'Target' ini diletak bagi meningkatkan amalan dari semasa ke semasa. Mahu Info lanjut pasal mutaba'ah amal?

Cuba layari,

**dipetik dari ~http://purify-educate.blogspot.com

Jumaat, April 17

A happy feeling?

The happy feeling

Today my day starts better. However, my flaw, I don’t get for tahajud. But at least, better than yesterday. Well, today is the IELTS result to release. Should be nervous isn’t it? But I feel cool bout it. Not so worry, just I don’t really thinking much about it. How I can be not worrying bout it? Well, I really surrender to Him. To me, I’ve done my part. Let Allah do the rest. Put all those hope and believe to Him. Keep believe and have faith, He knows the best. I SURRENDER!

Even tak sempat for tahajud, I struggle to get subuh jemaah. Struggling to have jemaah with Awin my next door friend. Not really next actually, but just opposite my house. Alhamdulillah, sempat. When I called her, she just about to pray. Lucky to get jemaah because last few days I missed it! Due to my lateness and she had prayed. A bit frustrating and what a waste! After that, I manage to stick with the ‘mutaba’ah ‘amal’. While going down the stairs, I start to listen to IKIM. Before this, I never open IKIM in the morning and hear the slot ‘tafsir quran’. But after one sahabat suggest me to listen, it is an encouragement for me to listen. But it is almost after a week the suggestion, I manage to hear it. I don’t know.

It seems I’m living in a ‘cave world’ which really under develops. I know it’s my own fault. I don’t really listen to radio, not really read newspaper, Current news? I feel dumb when people talk what happen currently because I don’t updated with any current issues(since not taking world issue anymore. Feel so bad know nothing). My world looks like ‘isolated’ even I’m living in urban city. Perhaps, the one that live in kampung2, know better than me. No joke.

Well, along the way, I listen to the slow. The kupasan really good. The ustaz talked about akidah(faith).
What I can still remember, he say about
- Musyarokah
- Muroqobah
- Muhasabah
- Mu’aqabah
- Muhajadah

Let me explain. Musyarotah means that, you need to put limitation and restriction to have faith. It just like an expecatation. Like to have contract with people, you need to fulfil some restriction. SO, it’s the same thing like we and Allah too, where you mush have some sort of promise to fulfil. If not, you can’t have a good and strong akidah or faith. Maybe the restriction could be i.e. : in whatever it is, you must have faith in Him no matter what circumstances it be.

Then, bout muroqabah. Is the close relation between us and Allah. When we have some sort of promise and restriction, then we need to feel that He is very close to us and always with us. That’s the step to have strong faith. Because only the strong faith that will save us in life as anything it comes, we will not be ruined.

Next, about muhasabah. It is being storied that in past history the sahabat really judge them. As saidina Umar said, “judge yourself before you being judge later” Like saidina Umar, He judge himself very particular. I cant really remember the example of his action but he really strict and discipline.That’s the story of sahabat. What about us? What about me? In fact, I don’t really judge myself so much.

Huhu..Seldomly. Too bad. Now, I’m in a way trying, and struggling to upgrade iman to higher level. Maybe by doing these things. Ada hikmah ditakdirkan dengar radio IKIM pagi ni! Dapat tips yang sangat2 bermanfat. ^_^ Alhamdulillah. Thanx to the one that suggest me to listen to it. I almost ‘forgot’ about ikim or any radio these days. In fact, when being asked, it is almost a month I don’t listen to radio I guess. Betapa katak di bawah tempurungnye laa..huhu

Mujahadah pulak, xberapa ingat la plak kupasan dia.
Anyway bout IELTS result. A significant event!
After I took the result, and I saw my result. Overall bandscore. That’s the first thing I looking for! 6.5. Fuhh..alhamdulillah. selamat aku. Then, I saw each component. and saw. writing 5.5.aiseh…asal r ade cacat nih.. then, trying to generate positive mind, ala..xpela..memang soklan dia haritu pun ak mmg kontang idea. Tak tau nak tulis aper. Tanye ak pasal ekonomi. Tapi mmg sgt general je soklan dia. Cuma ak ni, takder idea nak tulis ape. Lg 5 minit da nak habis masa baru tersedar, aku tulis ciput. Tak cukup quota. Terkial2 nak tambah word. Ayat mmg berterabur. Yeah..no wonder the result could be like that. Xper r..redho..nak wat camner. Idea comes from READING. And me? I’m not reading at all! I mean for general knowledge. I knew myself. I have very limited knowledge about general knowledge and some sort of current issue. Mmg kantoi r!

Then, sister yg tukang bagi result tu kata kat aku, mmg pedas r kena. Dia kata mcm ‘itula..u lainkali dah tau, patut ambik kelas. Don’t take risk.”..hmm dalam hati aku pedas terasa. Xpe2..takdir Allah. I register for re-sit on the same day I took the result. Tak fikir panjang. Fikir nak amik balik as soon as possible and lepas! That’s all.

So, aku pun, da tak tau nak fikir ape dah. Hmm..sebelum ambik result, mmg baca macam2..baca yasin, ratib n so on..mintak bagi tenang, and dapat terima apa je yang dah tersedia untuk aku. Doa yg biasa aku baca ari2

“Ya Allah, jika apa yang telah engkau takdirkan bagiku hari ini, maka jadikanlah aku redho dan mendapat petunjuk. Jadikan aku redha(can accept) apa sahaja yang telah engkau tentukan untukku hari ni”

Sebelum amik result, member2 bagi support r. kata insyaAllah ok..aku pun masa tu bersemangat r nak gi amik result IELTS.
Siap kata, “toronto…here I come!..”(poyo gler. Bajet mcm dpt 7 je..)

I took it juz before MR.Ben class. Sbb result kua pukul 9. ak pegi dlm 9.05.masa tu takder r plak dubdab2 sgt..cool jek..hmm..before amik result, gi draw duit siap2. sbb bajet nak terus hantar result tu gi Toronto n york n perhaps Carleton. Courier express dlm RM90 ++ per univ. kalau dua dah RM100 ++..huhu..

After that, pergila menjemput result kat IDP yg sejengkal jek dari ATM tu. Bila da tgk result, terkedu r plak. Tak tau nak fikir ape. Confirm r nak hantar Toronto tak lepas. Oh harapan menggunung ku punah sementara..mungkin terpaksa ucapkan ..bye2 to UofT. Sadis. Tapi masa dpt result, tu, ntah r. tak tau patut rs ape. Yg penting only one thing that I know, I feel so relieve! But a relief just a relief. The feeling, feels nothing. Bersyukur, yes. Syukur sebab lepas. Tapi, masa tu mcm tak tau patut ke rasa happy atau pun x. sebab writing dpt 5.5 which is not my expectation.

quote Hamlet plak masa tu..
“to be, or not to be..” hohoho

Dengan perasaan yg relief and a bit disappointed for the writing part, aku pun masuk kelas. Hmm..masuk kelas LAN, sume da pakat tanyer. Ak mmg xbleh sembunyik..ckp je r..
The first thing I heard good response about my result,
“sedap mata memandang..” and congratulations

Then, MR. Ben,
“This is a good news isn’t it! Lets see how you doin with previous one. Your listening is improved, your reading is very good. Level up. Your writing maybe a bit reduce, and your speaking is great. You achieve what you want. And this is so good.”

Okay. After I heard that, then I start to feel, yeah..this not too bad. (I’m one that hard to feel satisfy. Need someone to tell me that I’ve done well)
Then I met MR. Collin Shafer along the way. Just tegur him from far as I’ve saw him from long way,

“Hi Mr. Collin. How are you..?”

“hey..ain..how are you doing?”
(xjawab pun soklan aku..hampeh..)

“I’m good.”

“really?. What’s your latest update?"

“oh..I just took my IELTS …”

“I saw many book in your hands..”

“Oh yeah..this is for my CCA research. Law subject. I choose topic War and International Law..”

“sorry. what you say just now?? When I asked about your latest update?”

“oh..I just took my IELTS. Do you know IELTS?”

He just nodded his head and looks like he really have know idea what its all about. And I show her my result that written on the top INTERNATIONAL ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEST SYSTEM and show my result to him from the transparent file.

Listening 6.5 Reading 7.5 Writing 5.5 Speaking 7.0 Overall bandscore 6.5

“oh..erm..this is IETLS..well, my writing quite bad..”
“Oh..your reading quite high. That’s good. But for writing, don’t worry. There’ still lot of rooms of improvement..”

Dia kata sambil kenyit mata kat aku..Ya Allah…sabar je la..menahan rasa..muka da r mcm beckham. Tinggi mcm tiang gol(bak kata kakak aku)

And then, I met Pei San at the stairs, and just tegur her by telling my result released already. She really excited to know. I don’t want to show, and I said,
“not so good la. My writing sucks!”

but she trying to grab it from me and want to see it. Her expression really like impressed with the result. But then she said, “eh u need to retake back. Ur writing ..not reach the requirement..”

“ala.. no need. Mr. Ben said I can send both my ielts result just to show my ability that I able to write. Because previous one I got 6.”

Then, blah. Dari jauh, she shout.. “Ain…!”

I toleh, then she said, “CONGRATULATION!”

so cheerful. That’s nice to hear! Then I said, “Thank you!” ^^

Just after that, I got message from Husna. Asking bout my result too. I reply by saying syukri Allah. Thanks for her support and doa. Hope can get study together in Canada with her. InsyaAllah.

After that, my law class, Mr.Hanna.

Come to my turn to consult about the research.

He asked me, “how’s your progress?”

Tersengih2 mcm kerang busuk, I said, “ so far, so good..” sarcastic. –padahal tak buat ape2 lagi pun.

Then, he called me for consultation about my topic. I show him my mind map that not fully complete, then I told him about my argument for the topic which is
“international law has failed to stop the war!”

“is that only your argument? Are you referring to any specific area? Or just war in general?”

“err..yeah..generally war..erm..like the Israeli war in Gaza, …”

“oh..yeah..another war is?”

“erm…err..what else eh..”

mmg gelabah da..tak tau..amik ko ..amik topic perang2..da r lemah sal benda2 ni..da tak tau nak kelentong..
Then, dia try bagi klu..

"erm..sorry Mr.Hanna..I don't complete my research yet..well, it is

"yes. you need to make research more..it is iraq war..and the palestin..you can put in two example and try to extract from those. You can have two and not necessarily three argument. And also you can tell about what happen in Somalia right now. ? It’s disaster! There so many people being killed. And no one can stop it”

“oh..so ..maybe I need to list all the war..”

“you not necessarily make a list. I don’t want a list but..”

“yeah..i mean like from the list of war, then I try to proof that how the international law has failed …”

“oh..exactly. that’s what you should do and then you can look the thousand of war in Africa. What happen? It’s disaster! There so many people being killed. And no one can stop it.”


“and your argument might be the important thing. The one that important..”

Muka mr.hanna masa tu..hmm..sgt serius, n mmg mcm ape jek..

“yeah..should be important one..”, I said.

Dah tak tau nak ckp pe dah..
“erm, is it that’s all?”

“yeah. That’s all. Keep moving..”

After the class, I told him about my IELTS result because before this, he really eager to know. Dia sangat2 excited..he looks really really happy. Sangat2 excited.
He said,
“this is the grade that you want right? I am really happy for you..”

Then, dia hulur tangan kat aku, nak ucap congratulation. Aku masa tu, tergamam jap. Aku hulur tangan gak, tapi aku hulur tak sampai salam, aku just buat2 mcm ak salam, tapi aku tahan. Then aku kata, “I’m sorry..”

Dia pun paham2 je aku punya body language, terus dia tarik tangan balik and show thumbs up.

Hmm..mr.Hanna. ‘mengancam’ sungguh!

Well, this is some of the story which can I it consider as ‘success’? Perhaps.
The thing is, today I don’t feel happy or so happy, or once to feel happy, but by looking to people that happy with me, that makes me happy!

Betul. Aku pun tak tau aku rasa hepi ke x. patut ke rasa hepi? Tapi bila dgr ucapan2 yang memberangsangkan, n org keep say congratulation to me, and with some teacher that very excited and happy with my results, I feel happy for that. Itu satu benda yang aku rasa pelik untuk hari ni. I’m not really happy with the result but other people makes me to feel happy about it. This is good I think.

At least, I experienced some things in my life. I have experience how it feel when I got result that not good and result that consider good but not enough(for me).

Here two things.

Last time, before when got the first IELTS result, and I don’t ‘pass’ it. Undeniable a bit sad, and I feel so envy and jealous with my friends that ‘pass’ it with flying colours and I’m not. But that time, I keep the patience lies in me. I cry and cry until there’s no more tears to cry(just only the day I got the result). A bit depress that time but I accept the fate and accept it as a ‘test’ from Him. This is the opportunity for me to strengthen my faith and my believe in Him. I suppose.
Yes, it is. A tarbiyah from Him.

Tak mudah patah semangat!

Just like how I met Miss Christie before my IELTS speaking test which I still remember,

She said to me,
“There is two types of people When something not goes as what we want it be, some people will just give up but there are people that will keep trying and trying. And I’m happy that you are the one that keep trying and not give up.. get back to the horse, Ain!”

“oh yeah..erm..what was that?”

“well, we will say get back to the horse. Which means that when something not goes like we expect it to be, just get back on the track back..”


Yeah. The spirit of never never never give up in me, should lies in me forever.
And today, I could feel how it feel when people happy with me and people keep congratulate. I feel how it feels. How good the feeling is. To get good claim. I hope this spirit and enthusiasm will be last long as I will take this as momentum. It is really good to hear some encouragement from others.

Yes, I really need MOMENTUM at this time. Really needed. The lost ‘spirit’ in me, should be in me right now.

Today, not only a person, but most people around me. That makes me feel good and I believe that’s a good thing which I should try to keep it up. By stay focus, have faith, belief and confidence. ^_^

Alhamdulillah. Thanks Ya Allah for Your Bless.

p/s:well, this is also a test from Allah. Test me. Test me to be HUMBLE. Don’t feel proud, don’t feel so good actually. Need to be controlled. Yeah. Really really test me. Takut ter’riak’ seh. Takut terasa ujub. Nauzubillah. Takutt…T_T

Khamis, April 16

IELTS result also is a 'test'


I’ve got my IELTS result! - re-sit one…

Well, my result really meriah!! Just like my past SPM result...huhu...

I still remember. How bad and ‘good’ my SPM result is. Have ABC...

Well the same thing for IELTS. Variety bands! How interesting. I was like “wow...resultku that so so meriah...”

I am relieved yet not so happy. When I saw one of the components not reach the expectation. I don’t really feel good about it. But one of my friends that saw my result said, “Hmm...result ni sedap mata memandang..sedap untuk ditengok”..

To me, yeah..maybe..but one of it a bit disappointed.

Well, what did I expect from myself for writing huh?

Qurratul, you know how you are. You really know how you are that not really READ (my biggest problem), how you expect to write better? Well, that’s my flaw and it is really undeniable that writing is really my weakness. In order to convey the ideas to the reader, my writing quite terrible In addition with very limited knowledge(to gain idea), then lack of exposure. . Oh Yeah. .fair enough. You deserve it. You cannot compare with other.

Anyway, Alhamdulillah. Thanks to Allah for everything. This time I really berserah. (Dunno what in English. someone help me!)

A bit encourage after I consult with Mr. Ben about my result.

Good to hear, he said it is good news! (Even I’m not so sure whether it’s good news though, to have 5.5 in writing)

I don’t feel good about it but he said, “You can show your previous result that can show your ability. You did quite will in the past. That enough to prove your ability as you retake the test again. ”

Yeah. I never think of it. Maybe I should send both my IELTS result.

Well, well, well, this is just a TEST. That really tests me. So here it is. Why should I bother about the result? After all, it just signifies what I did. It tells me my weakness and so on so that I keep work for it. Isn’t that a good thing? (Trying to be positive). And some more, this is a ‘gift’ from Allah.

This result also a ‘test’ from Him. Whether I’ll be a grateful person or not.

Here, I feel glad for everything. Glad that Allah gives me such a test that shows He loves me. He wants me to be better. He wants me to get better! That’s all what it is!

How to increase Iman?

This post, reminding to myself, as I always sometimes 'lost' and 'soluble' with this world. Therefore, here share some tips for us to work for our iman. Let's strengthen our iman in a way that we can achieve His bless. Only by iman then we can get to Jannah ~ Heaven~ insyaAllah ^^
In the Name of Allah, Most Merciful & Compassionate

From a Past Post by Shaykh Nazim Mangera:

�If a sick person doesn't realize that she is sick, the doctor will never be able to cure her.
So realizing that there is a spiritual sickness is a sign that your faith is strong.
I have the following words of advice for you:

Al-Haakim reported in al-Mustadrak, and al-Tabaraani reported in al-Mu'jam, that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:

�Faith wears out in the heart of any one of you just as clothes wear out, so ask Allaah to renew the faith in your hearts.
� (Reported by al-Haakim in al-Mustadrak, 1/4;. Al-Haythami said in Majma al-Zawaa'id, 1/52, �It was reported by al-Tabaraani in al-Kabeer and its isnaad is saheeh.)

This Hadith tells us that our faith will become weak but we will have to strengthen it with various actions and different good deeds. If we try to implement the following, Insha Allah it will help us all.

On a weekly basis, try to attend some Halaqah or an Islamic gathering.
That is a great way of keeping the battery of Iman and actions charged.

A good suggestion would be that you join some weekend or evening Islamic course or something of that sort. You will find good company there which will be a means of strengthening your faith and Iman. And when you feel like you are all burnt out�, there will be others there who will guide you and help you out and get you back up on your feet again.

Try to read some portion of the Quran everyday and make Zikr of Allah.
It will not be a bad idea to start off the day by reciting Surah Yaseen.

Try to have a daily Halaqah of reading from a Hadith book at home. The most widely used Hadith book in English is probably Riyadh us Salihin. Set aside a time at home, and try to sit down with other family members. It does not have to be long. Even five minutes or ten minutes will suffice.

A daily dose of the words of Allah and his beloved Prophet Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam goes a long way in keeping us attached to our faith.

After prayers or whenever, try to recite as many times as possible the words which are mentioned in the following Hadith:

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:
�Do not forget to say in every prayer,
�Rabbi a�'nni 'ala dhikrika wa shukrika wa husni 'ibaadatika
(O Allah, help me to remember You, thank You and worship You properly.).� (al-Nasaa�i, 1303)
Sometimes we commit sins which eventually make us weak in our faith.

Islam will prevent us from sins....

or sins will prevent us from Islam.

over past sins will not be a bad idea at all.

The way we have a habit of sinning, the same way, as soon as a sin is committed, we should make a habit of seeking forgiveness for our sins. We should never procrastinate because death could over take us anytime.

You also must understand that we all go through these weaknesses. We all have those moments when we don't feel like doing anything Islamic. Faith increases and decreases. This is natural and it will happen many times in our lives.

It is important to know that if a decrease in faith leads to one neglecting one's duties or doing Haram deeds, this slackening is very serious and one must repent to Allah and start to do something about it at once.

If it does not lead to neglect of duties and doing Haram deeds, but just makes a person fall short in doing Mustahabb (recommended) deeds, for example, then a person still needs to know how to sort herself out and correct herself until she returns to the proper level of energy and strength in worship.

This is what we learn from the words of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), �Every deed has energy and strength, and then this energy and strength is followed by a slackening, so who's slackening is in accordance to my Sunnah he will be fine, and who's slackening is to other than that
[i.e., doing unlawful or forbidden deeds] he will be doomed.�
(Reported by Ahmad, 2/210; Saheeh al-Targheeb, no. 55).

Read up on the benefits of performing Salat and harms of not performing them. Read those Ahadith again and again. Read up on the bounties of Paradise and Punishments of the Hell fire.

Remember the breaker of worldly pleasures i.e. death. Daqaq (R.A.) says,
�Who ever remembers death frequently, will benefit in three ways:
he will hasten to repent, he will become content, and he will be active in worship.
Whoever forgets death will be punished in three ways:
he will delay repentance, he will no longer be content with what is sufficient,
and he will be lazy in worship.
� O Death! Where is thy long awaited sting? ...sigh��


Beseech Allah, turn to Him as a servant,
asking Him to increase your iman so that you may taste the great sweetness that is found therein. The times before Fajr and Maghrib are
�great windows of opportunity
� as one great teacher repeatedly tells me
(may Allah preserve him),
so take advantage of them by praying and supplicating at those times in particular,
and all times in general.
Source : Online Islamic Academy

Rabu, April 8

5 Levels of Prayer

The Five Levels of Prayer

Ibn al-Qayyim writes in his book al-Wabil al-Sayyib:

"When it comes to prayer, people are of five levels:

* The first is the level of the one who wrongs himself and is negligent. He does not do wudu properly, or pray at the right time or make sure he does all the necessary parts of prayer.

* The second is one who observes the outward essentials of prayer, prays on time and does wudu, but he has lost the battle against his own self and is overwhelmed with waswaas (insinuations).

* The third is one who observes the outward essentials of prayer, prays on time and does wudu, and also strives against his own self and against waswaas, but he is preoccupied with his struggle against his enemy (Shaytan), lest he steal from his prayer, so he is engaged in salah and jihad at the same time.

* The fourth is one who when he stands up to pray, he fulfils all the requirements of the prayer, and his heart is fully focused and alert lest he omit anything, and his concern is to do the prayer properly and perfectly. His heart is deeply immersed in his prayer and worship of his Lord.

* The fifth is one who does all of that, but he takes his heart and places it before his Lord, looking at his Lord with his heart and focusing on Him, filled with love and adoration, as if he is actually seeing Him. That waswaas and those thoughts diminish, and the barriers between him and his Lord are lifted. The difference between the prayer of this person and the prayer of anyone is else is greater than the difference between heaven and earth. When this person prays, he is preoccupied with his Lord and content with Him.

The first type is punishable;
the second is accountable;
the third is striving so he is not counted as a sinner;
the fourth is rewarded and
the fifth is drawn close to his Lord, because he is one of those for whom prayer is a source of joy.

Whoever finds their joy in prayer in this life, will find their joy in being close to Allah in the Hereafter, and will also find his joy in Allah in this world. Whoever finds his joy in Allah will be content with everything, and whoever does not find his joy in Allah, will be destroyed by his feelings of grief and regret for worldly matters."

Source: http://www.geocities.com/mutmainaa/prayer/5_levels.html

Jumaat, April 3

Deen List & Dean List

"Aman, ko tak semayang Maghrib lagi ke?
Dah nak masuk Isyak dah ni.
Tinggal berapa minit lagi ni" tegur Luqman kepada roomatenya.

"Ala, kejap jer lagi. Kul 8.30 jap lagi aku ada exam ni. Sket lagi nak study tajuk ni." jawab sahabatnya yang selalu mendapat Dean list di Kuliyyahnya.

"Pergi la sembahyang dulu. Kalau ko cemerlang dalam pelajaran sekalipun. Tapi, kalau ko tak cemerlang di akhirat tak guna jugak." tegur Luqman dengan nada yang agak tinggi.

"Hmm..ok la. Aku pergi sembahyang dulu la." Aman angkur dengan nasihat Luqman tadi.

"Barulah dapat dean list dan deen list juga" Luqman menghabiskan leterannya kepada sahabat baiknya itu.

Moral of the story.

Ingatlah, dunia ini sebenarnya tempat ujian/exam bagi kita. Segala apa yang kita lakukan adalah untuk mendapat deen list dari Allah SWT.

Kalau kita gagal di dalam peperiksaan, kita masih boleh repeat, boleh tukar subjek. Kalau direject universiti, kita masih boleh tukar tempat belajar lain.

Tetapi, klu kita tidak lulus exam dengan Allah SWT.
Kita bukan setakat di dismiss oleh Allah SWT.

Bahkan, kita bakal bertemu azab yang lebih pedih setimpal apa yang kita lakukan.

Pesan saya, sama-sama kita mencari deen list dulu untuk memberi
semangat dalam dean list kita.

Dengan cara:

Kena baca buku rajin-rajin yer

Kena fokus betul-betul

Jangan bagi jin atau setan2 kacau kita tgh study. (ni bukan anak jin yer, walaupun lebey kure jah)

Jangan tenSion masa study

Selalu solat hajat, solat tahjud dan sunat yang lain dan last sekali

Banyakkan berdoa pada Allah dan tawakkal padaNYA sokmo.

Maka, jadilah kita pelajar cemerlang dunia dan akhirat.. :)INSYAALLAH

“Life like an education. The final examination for us is when we will meeting with Allah. That is our final destination”