Jumaat, Disember 3

i miss you too

ibrah ckp dgn mama

pesan mama,
jgn fb je. takya bz body tgk fb org. tgk sndiri punya sudah la.
bnyk buku nak kena baca!
pasal org msia kena tahan. kata mama ramai budak perempuan malaysia kena tipu dengan orang hitam. orang selit dadah dekat airport.

mama raise this issue. Dia risau pasal keselamatan and I knew what she is thinking.

Then, bagitau mama markah exam baru keluar dan sangat teruk..

kata mama,
exam. tu la jangan ambik mudah lain kali. nape dpt markah sikit?
hu. jgn amik mudah. mmg tepat kena batang hidung. zzaass..

"kena repeat ke?", tanya mama.

i'm not that critical la smpai kena repeat paper. repeat means = fail.
hmm. it could be as this is not final. i'm not sure. nauzubillahimin zalik.

mama nangis at the end.. mama said. i miss you. and i said i miss u too. hu.

but i knew she miss a lot and more than me. more than i miss her. why? becaause when the time i'm busy i might tend to forget her for a while. but i knew she will never forget me in anytime.

i just smile to her with the sweetest smile i could (until my lesung pipit showed), just to cheer her up and I knew she missed my smile.

and by the time she talked to me, i knew she can't bear to talk eye-to-eye with me as I knew she unable to continue the conversation as soon she see me in front of her eyes. dalam hati, i wonder, nape la mama ni cakap tak pandang skrin. pandang sana sini. huhu. I knew the reason why..

i knew how dear am i to you..
i just keep the tears inside me
i don't want to make you sad
i want to make you happy
I wish I could ..

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