
Post ni akan campur aduk bahasa ikut mood n selera. (xde mood nak skema..ngeh3)
Hari ini aku interview JPA. Ni pengalaman persendirian aku yg aku rasa nak kongsi. Kalo xder org baca, xpe sbb ni kira mcm diari r. Mcm ckp sorang2. Tapi kalo ade org baca, bagus gak..bleh dapat pahala kalo bermanfaat..insyAllah..
Aku mulakan dari sebelum temuduga lagi..
Aku tau dapat interview ni hari ape ye..Jap ingat balik. Hari rabu lepas. 26hb
Perasaan aku masa tu. mmg rasa mcm xcaye je dpt!! Aku ucap alhamdulillah r tp lps tu aku mm ketawa habes2 r. I dont expect much!
Lps tu, aku mula la cari ape pasal JPA ni..interview..baca forum, baca blog org, pengalaman org len..sedikit sbnyk dpt r input. tp ak xsempat nak fokus preparation for JPA interview ni sbb ak bz wat essay tuk sholar SC..mmg giler2 sket time tu. kepala otak xkeruan. menyiapkan essay. alih2 last minit gak. tp last minit tu ak puas ati r ngan essay ak yg aku copy paste ayat org len dlm tenet. but at last jadi ayat ak sendirik gak. sbb sume xbleh pakai.
wat eva la..
so, 31 mac tu ak mmg kelam kabut siapkan esei pagi tu gak! dah siap taip, kene tulis balik dlm kertas kajang sbb SC tu ngada2 nak dlm tulisan tangan. Dengan tulisan aku yg da lama xmenulis mmg herot berot..Lps tu, mencari scanner..mmg dugaan . naib baik r my buddy, anhar boleh tolong bg pinjam scanner dier. kalo x alamatnye mmg ak meraung r..huhu tp mmg sebelum tu ak nangis sket.. sbb dah gi cc tapi cc xder scanner. gi kedai buku, scanner dier bapak mahal n lambat. kawan2 pempuan aku yg len rumah dekat2 sume gi swimming kat UIA.. mmg r time ni r depa nak jalan. xbleh blah tol..so xper la usahakan la gak.alih2 teringat la anhar. Nasib baik Allah bagi ak ingat kat dier. kalo x, ak xtau r ngan sape lagi ak nak mintak tolong. Thanx Anhar!! You are a savior...
31 Mac tu hari Isnin tau! Aku interview 2 Apr!! giler r..tinggal lagi 1 hari stgh je lagi. yg ak bc kat blog kene at least 3 hari da start cari info. wat homework la..tp ak x..isnin da kelam kabut siapkan essay. malam tu pun xbanyak ak search..jadinyer hari Isnin 1 apr tu r aku pulun tgk forum2..dari pagi sampai malam. bila malam kol 11 ak da ngantuk..sbb non-stop tgk pc. biasa ak ngantok kol 12 lebey. tapi arini ak pk sbb esok nk interview so try r tdo awal. tp xgak..tido still nk dekat kol 1.huhu..ak ni payah tol nak tido awal. ade je bende nak wat.
tibalah harinya..which is hari ni la!
Aku betul2 cuak..kalo org tanye nape nak amik LAW.
adeih..ntah nape otak ak mcm beku lak nak bagi jjawapan..hari ni kawan aku ikut skali..so tadi bertolak dlm kol 11 lebey. Interview pukul 2. and aku sampai dlm 12 lebey..kira satu jam perjalanan r gi putrajaya ni. first time aku masuk International Convention Centre Putrajaya ni!!
hoho..dlm kete bleh tahan cool r..
pastu jumpa kawan sekolah ak yg same course n panel..gi cari surau..nak cari ketenangan abadi...huhu..cuak tu xpayah ckp r..dubdab2..tp sblum ni..ak risau betul kalau xder idea..tapi ak tersedar satu benda..masa SPM dulu, Irfan dak junior aku pernah pesan kat aku sebelum ak mlangkah masuk gi dewan periksa ..dier kate kat aku, JANGAN YAKIN DGN DIRI, TAPI YAKIN DGN ALLAH. bendalah tu tiba2 dtg kat aku masa ak tgh sujud. Jadinye, ak cubalah memantapkan keyakinan ak kat Allah dengan berserah segalanya...n yakin Allah akan tolong kita..InsyaALLah..
dah lps wat solat hajat n solat zohor skx, gi la toilet..perkemaskan diri..da nak dekat pukul 2 tu, carilah panel and bilik..aku panel 4 bilik 15. sampai2 je, akak tu bg borang nak kene tick..utk salinan sijil. ak tgk org len sume mcm kelam kabut je nak susun n keluarkan dr fail clear holder dorang tu..Aku lak alhamdulillah mmg aku dah siapkan sebundle fotostat n yg dah disahkan. senang keje juz kuarkan dari plastik and lampirkan. hbes citer..
Tak lama lps tu, nama ak kene panggil. Aku dapat tag no.2..mula2 patut aku dapat no.1!..masa aku tau ak dpt no.1 tu mmg cuak habes r..aku risau satu benda..ape ak nak goreng bila org tanye pasal course n negara yg dipilih sbb mmg ak xprepare betul2. mmg ak dapat rase.i'm not well- prepared but then ape nak wat..berserah je r..
Masuk dlm bilik tu, ade 9 org. ak bajet nak wat voice record. tp hajat xkesampaian sbb takut wat something yg mencurigakan..jadi panel dier ade 2 org.sorang laki, sorang pempuan..
Perkenalkan diri dlm B.M..ak betul2 xprepare sgt ape nk ckp..itu r sayang. xcukup preparation. so ak x 'jual' diri ak habis2..org len sume ckp pasal aktiviti dorang yg gempak2 r gak..huhu..ak ckp ciput je..tp xpe r..ak redho..tp geram bkn geram ape ..geram kat diri ak sendirik xgoreng habes..and kalo kita sndri usaha xckup..xbole ckp ape la kan. Allah tu Maha Adil.xpe2 ni pngajaran kat ak r..tp ak mase tu pun cuak sgt.kalo ak stable camni mmg ak akn ckp bnyk2..
Next group discussion.. oh part ni paling aku suke..coz i've done pretty well. i really satisfied but just one thing i'm worried. I just worried if i see to dominate the discussion. but i dont think so..coz there were many boys that give many opinion also. but just me the gurl that maybe more talkative than other gurl. That's what i think. I just scared if I was seems like i dont think about other or did't give chance to other. But actually, I've waited for others to finish their point first..then I'll try to get in. Somehow the discussion sounded something like this..
Lost children has raised the awareness of society. Maybe because of the lack of secure. Do you agree? Discuss.The interview took almost an hour to finish. I think everyone is really great. However, i feel i'm great too in the discussion but the introduction i just lack of few thing..Huhu..really cuak man!!that time..so everything like not proper..although in BM!
I'm the only one that took law. I love the dicussion very much as i've done my part with all my way and i've talked everything what I want to talk. SOme part, I agree and somepart i disagree with some statement. But i do love some part of the discussion..Like when one of the guy named Jason. Talk about foreigner. and few of them not agree totally. as they said it is not totally fault from foreigner as they come here to earn their living. Then I add by saying," yeah u r rite.but then our gvernment should limit the foreigner. Now you see, the foreignet is like a flood in our country. I tell u what, last time i went to klcc by LRT and see so many bangladesh, indonesian..and I said..Is this Malaysia?? so many newcomers..and about the outcomer had been the issue for a while. everyone wanna give opinion and share the experience by themselves.
Other than that, one part is about parent. few of them, blame parent. as this is the parent's fault. don't observe their children. Then i said, the parents can be blamed totally 100%. It is our responsibility, society awareness, the neighbor should also take a look the the child and parents cant see over their children for every second. therefore, i think parent should teach their children and tell them the danger outside and dont talk to stranger all that..and one thing, i think is, parents should prepared their children with taekwando, judo or silat from easily being abduct.
Then after everyone have talk what they want, i'm the one that give opinion and conclude the steps that could be acted. everyone should be responsible. not only parents but also society and neghbor. Education is the most important. This should be instill to the children and also the relegious teach..should be instill so that it can prevent from one to do the bad things like crime and they will do the good2 things..
Well, so many things i love about dicussion coz I knew the topic and the points. I'm really glad! as i said to myself, after i not perform very well in the introduction, i said, i will try to give all-out in the discussion. And Alhamdulillah i did it. I knew overall of this interview, i didnt done the best, but then i've try my best. I said this becoz, if i well-prepared, insyaAllah this thing wont happen as u prepared well. Therefore, I admit this is my own fault. and a lesson for me.Everyone is great. but i also know i am great also ^^. It is really competitive i thing. SO everything i rest to Allah. Let Allah do the rest. but somehow i really relieved as what i pray b4 step in, I ask Allah to give me the topic that I know. dont give me something that i didnt know. so , ALhamdulillah Allah hv give me the topic that i knew.
Syukur Alhamdulillah..